An overview of the unit budget plan, who pays for Scouting at all levels, a variety of successful unit money-earning projects, and how to help units with special financial needs.
Find out more »This session outlines the seven-step process that the commissioner uses to help the unit select the best possible leadership. Download Course Outline | Download Course Instruction Material
Find out more »Commissioner Basic Training for all new commissioners will be held on Saturday, May 18, 2013 at the Council Service Center. Training will start at 8:00 am and will finish around 1:00 pm.
Find out more »The Tukabatchee College of Commissioner Science will be holding its 2013 planning meeting on Thursday, February 28, 2013 at 7:00 pm at the Council Service Center. The CofCS is currently seeking volunteers for the 2013 college year. We need deans for the bachelor, master, and doctorate programs, quartermaster, and assistant registrar. Please note that 1 year of service on the college staff is a requirement for your doctorate degree. We will also working on course curriculum for this years college year. If…
Find out more »The only reason for having commissioners is to help units succeed. A Commissioner is first and foremost a friend to the unit.
Find out more »This session covers the thesis/project outline and a variety of suggestions for writing and revising the report.
Find out more »This session refers to those urban communities where poverty is a prevailing influence, and where community considerations require refinement and flexibility for volunteer-led packs, troops, crews, and posts to be successful. Service to low-income communities is part of our Scouting roots. Baden-Powell said, “Our aim is to give equal chances to all and to give the most help to the least fortunate.”
Find out more »A session for all administrative commissioners—covers all aspects of commissioner training, including new commissioner orientation, basic training, Arrowhead Honor, the Commissioner’s Key, and continuing education. A variety of classroom techniques are also reviewed.
Find out more »A Commissioner’s primary purpose is to help units succeed, develop a better program, and operate effectively. Frequently Commissioners are called upon to assist units with concerns that could hinder the unit’s success.
Find out more »Scouters who have completed their DCS will discuss their challenges and solutions. This course is for those who feel they need more help getting started on or completing their thesis/project.
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